This morning Ryan and I got up nice and early...4.30am, to get ready and head off to the Dawn Service that was taking place at his base. After about 45minutes of traffic trying to get in.. we finally got in and just made it too the service with only minutes to spare.
I wasn't sure what I was in for as I have never been to one before. Ryan has but at a different place.
It was 5.45am and the service began. It was still quite dark and no birds were chirping or anything. We were standing at the entrance of Ryan's unit. 5 RAR, where there was a memorial wall with the names of fallen soldiers. The trees behind the memorial were all lit up and it was just beautiful.
Everyone stood silent and prayers and the story of ANZAC DAY were read. And then the Last Post played. It was played perfectly and sounded just fantastic. As if someone was singing it, with real effort and giving it all the justice it deserved. More words were spoken and then the National Anthem was played. As it started all the servicing members shifted their posture and stood up tall and proud. With their hands tightly gripped and close by their sides they some what saluted their country and their flag. It was a fantastic sight and a proud one at that. Once the Anthem was over they relaxed their hands and continued to stand silent. The service was over and the sun was just break through.. the birds were all awake by this time and singing loud!
After the service we met up with a few of Ryan's mates and some of them wouldn't be much older than us.. maybe younger and they were wearing their medals. Some had heaps and others had a few...some had none.. but no one really cared.. everyone was just happy to be there.
I am so proud of Ryan and am so grateful that I am married to someone so brave and courageous.
Attending the Dawn Service was pretty awesome not only because I got a personal tour of the base but because it was nice to see that everyone was proud to be in the Army. They were happy to be in their uniforms and saluting the flag.. They have a friendship that would outlast any war and that will always have each others backs. And they all had egar faces on them because the boozer was about to open at 8am. :P
So I left Ryan there, where he began the drink off. Just before 12pm I got a call to see if I could take him and a few of his mates to the city. I said yes of course just to see how PTE POOLE was surviving. He got in the car and was handed a Jim Beam by one of the guys. Something Ive never seen him drink before. The car filled with the smell of beer and bourbon and it dawned on me.. My husband may come home not knowing his name or mine... or may not come home at all. Who knows that time they will get home. I will let you know how he goes :)
Peace to all the ANZAC's! x