Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Diary,

Welcome to the first ever posting from me.. Sarah. So here is how I ended up here.

I followed my heart and it bought me to Darwin.. My husband Ryan joined the Army last year in March and it has been an interesting ride from there. From being together every single day to not seeing each other for 3 months and only speaking on the phone every few days a week, my life was upside down. After he left I wasnt sure what was going to happen.. See I am one that likes to know what happens and have a plan. But there was no plans, I had no idea what was going to happen.

So Ryan was away on and off until July, when he got his posting to Darwin.. and there it all started. He proposed and the plans started. The plan was that we would get married and I along with him,we would move to Darwin and married life would begin. I wouldnt just move for any old mo fo. This guy is my high school sweet heart. A total gentleman. He is great!

After 6 months of planning and trying to deal with the fact that I was leaving.. on the 6th of March and gave my parents and brothers the biggest hugs and kisses ever and told my friends, they meant everything to me, I turned and held Ryan's hand and with tears in my eyes I boarded the plane bound for the top end.

And here I am. I live in a great suburb called Durack. The grass is green as and the trees are amazing. For somewhere so hot ive never seen it soo green. Coming from Melbourne was a huge culture shock in so many ways.. I wont go on about it now but i will later.. I need to tell u a few things.

Ive been here for almost a month and Im enjoying myself.. having my own place to live, living with Ryan and just doing my own thing is great.. Next plan is to find a job and make some friends.
Making friends is the daunting part of my plan. I feel like im back at highschool on the first day. Even though i went to school with a bunch of primary school friends, it was still weird. I was the pugdy maltese girl with huge teeth and even bigger frizzy hair. My best friend was a gorgeous blonde, skinny little thing.... ps.. she still is gorgeous and my bestie..and I was in year 7 class with my way cooler cousin Luke.... i was doomed to fail.. and i did.. not until year 11, year 12 did i find the best group of friends ever.. and still going strong.. they are still the best group of friends ever.. they are known as the "posse". So how do I make friends.. Join groups and talk to strangers.. thats what i have been advised by Jade to do.. and I will try. But the people i have met so far are crazy... maybe im the crazy one.. who am I kidding... i hate meeting new people and all my friends know it.. Ive had the same friends for almost 10 years.. and I dont want to let them go.. But who am I gonna have girl time with??

Ponder that!


  1. so good, sarah! you write really well, and i can't wait to see what's next!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxooxox

  2. yeah! i say get poole into the nailpolish times! hot pink will look awesome with camo clothes. :P

  3. hey sarah! nice blog, jade's started a craze haha...cant wait to hear more of your dirty whispers ;)
