I have never been much of a reader and I am making a huge effort to read everyday. No matter what it is. At the moment I am reading Twilight New Moon, and I plan to read the others.. In the mean time I ordered a few books online. A couple by Haruki Murakami. Ive already read a couple of his and another one called Love Letters of Great Men. Carrie on Sex and the City was reading it one time. You may remember this, she was in bed with Big and she was using his glasses.
You- my Life- my All- farewell
Oh, go on loving me- never doubt
the faithfullest heart
Of your beloved
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours
When I went to order it, there was a paragraph saying that the show just made up the book, and once she was seen reading it.. all these authors scrambled love letters by famous old men and made the book. I ordered it anyway.
Me being a huge romantic.. Believing in love at first site, eternal love, soul mates blah blah blah I thought I would post some of them up after I read them.
Here is the first one.
Its by Pliny the Younger, a son of a landowner in norther Italy. He had a career in law and government and when he died they found 10 books of letters. Nine to friends and colleagues and the tenth to the emperor Trajan.
To Calpurnia, his Wife.
You will not believe what a longing for you possesses me.
The chief cause of this is my love : and then we have not grown used to be apart. So it comes to pass that I lie awake a great part of the night, thinking of you: and that by day, when the hours return at which I was wont to visit you, my feet take me, as it is so truly said, to you chamber, but not finding you there I return, sick and sad at heart, like an excluded lover. The only time that is free from these torments is when I am being worn out at the bar, and in the suits of my friends. Judge you what must be my life when I find my repose in toil, my solace in wretchedness and anxiety. Farewell
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hey Babycakes!
How are yous all? Im good...Bit tired but all good
Last night I went out with 8 ladies. I only knew one chick named Peta and the other ladies were all new to each other too. I had an awesome night. I thought what the fuck im gonna get drunk. If they don't like me big deal but i was determined to make an effort and not be shy. So I got to Peta's and she poured me a wine. Im not much of a drinker AT ALL but the wine was nice. She filled the glass so i needed about 10-15 minutes to slowly down it. But within a couple of minutes of pouring it the bloody doorbell rang and she says to me " SKULL IT!" im just like FUCKKKKKKKKKK. So i did and it hit me instantly. I said goodbye to Ryan and told him I might be home sooner than I think at this rate. Got out side and i couldn't find my shoes.. I hear Peta telling her 7 year old Paris to take my shoes off and to give them to me.. Poor Paris, she was so disappointed that she had to take them off but more so that they were too big.. She spoke as if they were supposed to fit her.. i wasnt sure what to think. So i climbed into this fancy four wheel drive and there were 6 ladies and the male driver. They were all so nice and we were off on our way to the Casino.
Darwins casino is better than Gold Coast Casino but wayyyyyyyyyyy smaller than Crown. Like there is no comparison. We had dinner at the Dragon Court, an awesome Asian restaurant. Whilst sitting there drinking more wine, a bright blue t shirt catches my eye. It was sooo bright it hurt. I couldnt believe the odds of who it was. Out of the small amount of people I know here, the one person I was happy to never see again, walked in carrying his baby.To my COMPLETE HORROR it was the MANAGER LEE that i posted about yesterday. I nearly fucking died.. I turned to Peta and had a hissy fit and she just said dont worry.. drink more wine... What are the odds! Anyways he left and the night continued.. I was pretty tipsy when we finished dinner and we headed to Sandbar, a bar/ restaurant. There was a live band for a bit and then the dj started. We danced and drank danced and drank.
I thought alot about the girlfriends I left behind and missed them alot but being able to go and and dance was really fun. I wondered if my new friends had ever had a jam donut shot so I bought them all one and none of them had ever had one, which I was stoked about coz I love them... and most of mi girls doo so it was great.. They took the shot and LOVE IT! They talked about it all the way home and it was a total hit.
Some great things came out of last night.
-Got to dance and sing the night away.
-One of the girls is a hair dresser and can do my hair alot cheap than what I paid at the salon early yesterday. $260 something.. She was shoked I paid that much.. I was so excited when she said she would come to my house and do it!!!
-And finally I realised that you could never be too old to have fun. There was an 80something year old man at Sandbar the whole time we were there. We left at 2.30am and he was STILL THERE.. I had to get some footages of him dancing.. We called him Poppy... He is in the stripy white shirt. What a legend!!
Hope you all had awesome Saturday Nights!!
How are yous all? Im good...Bit tired but all good
Last night I went out with 8 ladies. I only knew one chick named Peta and the other ladies were all new to each other too. I had an awesome night. I thought what the fuck im gonna get drunk. If they don't like me big deal but i was determined to make an effort and not be shy. So I got to Peta's and she poured me a wine. Im not much of a drinker AT ALL but the wine was nice. She filled the glass so i needed about 10-15 minutes to slowly down it. But within a couple of minutes of pouring it the bloody doorbell rang and she says to me " SKULL IT!" im just like FUCKKKKKKKKKK. So i did and it hit me instantly. I said goodbye to Ryan and told him I might be home sooner than I think at this rate. Got out side and i couldn't find my shoes.. I hear Peta telling her 7 year old Paris to take my shoes off and to give them to me.. Poor Paris, she was so disappointed that she had to take them off but more so that they were too big.. She spoke as if they were supposed to fit her.. i wasnt sure what to think. So i climbed into this fancy four wheel drive and there were 6 ladies and the male driver. They were all so nice and we were off on our way to the Casino.
Darwins casino is better than Gold Coast Casino but wayyyyyyyyyyy smaller than Crown. Like there is no comparison. We had dinner at the Dragon Court, an awesome Asian restaurant. Whilst sitting there drinking more wine, a bright blue t shirt catches my eye. It was sooo bright it hurt. I couldnt believe the odds of who it was. Out of the small amount of people I know here, the one person I was happy to never see again, walked in carrying his baby.To my COMPLETE HORROR it was the MANAGER LEE that i posted about yesterday. I nearly fucking died.. I turned to Peta and had a hissy fit and she just said dont worry.. drink more wine... What are the odds! Anyways he left and the night continued.. I was pretty tipsy when we finished dinner and we headed to Sandbar, a bar/ restaurant. There was a live band for a bit and then the dj started. We danced and drank danced and drank.
I thought alot about the girlfriends I left behind and missed them alot but being able to go and and dance was really fun. I wondered if my new friends had ever had a jam donut shot so I bought them all one and none of them had ever had one, which I was stoked about coz I love them... and most of mi girls doo so it was great.. They took the shot and LOVE IT! They talked about it all the way home and it was a total hit.
Some great things came out of last night.
-Got to dance and sing the night away.
-One of the girls is a hair dresser and can do my hair alot cheap than what I paid at the salon early yesterday. $260 something.. She was shoked I paid that much.. I was so excited when she said she would come to my house and do it!!!
-And finally I realised that you could never be too old to have fun. There was an 80something year old man at Sandbar the whole time we were there. We left at 2.30am and he was STILL THERE.. I had to get some footages of him dancing.. We called him Poppy... He is in the stripy white shirt. What a legend!!
Hope you all had awesome Saturday Nights!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Well I have been busy. Hard to believe I know but i have! My last post was about our pet gecko Freddie. Would you believe I havent seen him since I posted about him. Maybe Seona was right. I must have scared him with the flash.. Poor baby.
Anyways so much has happened since I last posted.
WORK- Work is going really well. The manager I was hired by resigned because he thought the Leanne and I were keeping him out of the loop. He actually sent us an email saying we made him look bad and shit like that. At this point he was in the same room about a foot away from us and typed this long winding email to us. I turned to him and just said you could say it too our faces. I wasnt really offended by it but was a bit pissed that he was blaming us for him looking bad, but Leanne went freaking stupid. It was like when your mum just has enough and youre at the point where you realise you shouldnt have said or done what you just did. She went off and things went sour from there. She yelled like my mum would and I couldnt look at her because I thought she was gonna smack him or something. He deserved it. You could cut the tension with a friggen knife! I replyed to his email in a really mature and professional way, and ccd it to the owner of the business, who was away in Sydney. This manager named Lee, was a fucking snake in the grass. He blamed us for a few things that we didnt do but "totally had our backs" pfft whatever dude. He wouldnt have sent the email if the boss was in town. He even waited till all the reps were out of the office and it was just us 3. To make things worse he did this at 9.30AM and the awkwardness continued until 2 managers from different sections of the business asked to see him.. Obvisously he shouldnt have sent this email coz he came back out and printed off his email.. took it back for them to read and then came back and printed our replys. Like i said, mine was pretty tamed but Leannes wasnt. After a while he came back and Leanne and I were called to the office. And they asked us how we felt if he left and shit and i just said i didnt trust him and cant be stuffed with his shit. After everything we said they sprung it on us that he resigned and we were so happy because he was a pain in the arse and throughout the whole company people were sayin the same thing. The good thing to come out of it was that the boss told the other managers that if it came to the point where it was me and Leanne leaving or Lee, that he would have to go. Ive been there for about a month. How nice is that! Anyway its been so good since that dick left. Leanne is the funniest. She is probably like 35-36 years old and has such a great sense of humor. We always turn to Lees old desk and ask him questions and shit.. and then we laugh to ourselves. Sad thing is that Lee probably thinks we are missing him and that the company has gone to shit, when in fact it hasnt! As if it would. Kudos to Kosmos Foods I say!
SEWING CLASS- Didnt go last week. The skirt is coming along very nicely though. Im doing a really simple pattern but it is hard to read. Starting from nowhere, I can use all the help i can get. There are some older ladies that have sewn before so they help out. I might be getting a sewing machine for my birthday from my parents so that should be really good. I hope to make some great stuff!
VISITOR- We had a visitor from the sea come stay with us. Ryans step brother Mat sailed into Darwin on Monday and we hung with him a couple of nights. The stories he had to tell. My god. He started off in Perth, sailed to Sydney for a couple of days, In those couple of days he flew to melbourne and came to our wedding. Then headed back to sydney, sailed to New zealand, then i think singapore and cambodia, than Darwin and now he is on his way back home. 4 months at sea. Crazy. He was saying that they have to salute the ship every time they get on and off the ship. They said they "throw it a goffer" haha how funny. I asked him the most obvious question anyone would be thinking. "Where does all your rubbish go?" The throw most of it over board! YOU GREENIES WOULD BE HORRIFIED I KNOW!!!!! Things like paper, cardboard and other stuff that eventually can break up gets toss over the side. They also throw cans.. That part i wasnt too impressed about. How can they throw cans.. they don't break up? Anyways, the other stuff is put in bags and taken off the ship once they dock. He was also saying that if their ship got hit by one torpedo it wouldnt sink their ship complete but it would break,hang on shadder your bones. The vibrations that would hit the ship would be massive. He did say that the ship can take up to 2 hauls full of water before they would be in serious trouble. How exciting.The thinks you learn. I do doubt you could spend 6 months on a leaky boat crowded house, cmon.
NEW FRIENDS- Well tonight I am going out with Ryans boss' wife Peta. Thats her name.. PETA awesome and some of her friends. Im pretty sure most of them are all mums but who cares. They seem to drink like they are teenagers so im up for it. Ill take what i can get and Peta is really nice so i dont mind. We are going to the Casino. I havent been in there but apparently it is really nice. There are some awesome bars and resturants so it should be real fun!
TWILIGHT- Reading the second book. Very interesting. After watching the first movie ages ago i keep using those actors faces in my head while im reading. I keep wondering who i would think they look like if i didnt have the movies to look at. Just a bit from half way. I keep saying to ryan that i wish we were vampires so we could live forever together. If i were a vampire i wouldnt hunt people but just say i was in bellas shoes and ryan was edward i would expect him to change me. I would hate him if he didnt. I would do it to him god dam it! What are the odds that she meets Edward who is cold as ice, a vampire and then knows Jacob who is as hot as fire, a werewolf . Only you Bella.
I think that is about it. Another big blog. Nothing else has been happening. I thought I would take a photo and let you see how i look after living here for just over 2 months.

I look the same ey. hahaha
Love you guysxx muah
Well I have been busy. Hard to believe I know but i have! My last post was about our pet gecko Freddie. Would you believe I havent seen him since I posted about him. Maybe Seona was right. I must have scared him with the flash.. Poor baby.
Anyways so much has happened since I last posted.
WORK- Work is going really well. The manager I was hired by resigned because he thought the Leanne and I were keeping him out of the loop. He actually sent us an email saying we made him look bad and shit like that. At this point he was in the same room about a foot away from us and typed this long winding email to us. I turned to him and just said you could say it too our faces. I wasnt really offended by it but was a bit pissed that he was blaming us for him looking bad, but Leanne went freaking stupid. It was like when your mum just has enough and youre at the point where you realise you shouldnt have said or done what you just did. She went off and things went sour from there. She yelled like my mum would and I couldnt look at her because I thought she was gonna smack him or something. He deserved it. You could cut the tension with a friggen knife! I replyed to his email in a really mature and professional way, and ccd it to the owner of the business, who was away in Sydney. This manager named Lee, was a fucking snake in the grass. He blamed us for a few things that we didnt do but "totally had our backs" pfft whatever dude. He wouldnt have sent the email if the boss was in town. He even waited till all the reps were out of the office and it was just us 3. To make things worse he did this at 9.30AM and the awkwardness continued until 2 managers from different sections of the business asked to see him.. Obvisously he shouldnt have sent this email coz he came back out and printed off his email.. took it back for them to read and then came back and printed our replys. Like i said, mine was pretty tamed but Leannes wasnt. After a while he came back and Leanne and I were called to the office. And they asked us how we felt if he left and shit and i just said i didnt trust him and cant be stuffed with his shit. After everything we said they sprung it on us that he resigned and we were so happy because he was a pain in the arse and throughout the whole company people were sayin the same thing. The good thing to come out of it was that the boss told the other managers that if it came to the point where it was me and Leanne leaving or Lee, that he would have to go. Ive been there for about a month. How nice is that! Anyway its been so good since that dick left. Leanne is the funniest. She is probably like 35-36 years old and has such a great sense of humor. We always turn to Lees old desk and ask him questions and shit.. and then we laugh to ourselves. Sad thing is that Lee probably thinks we are missing him and that the company has gone to shit, when in fact it hasnt! As if it would. Kudos to Kosmos Foods I say!
SEWING CLASS- Didnt go last week. The skirt is coming along very nicely though. Im doing a really simple pattern but it is hard to read. Starting from nowhere, I can use all the help i can get. There are some older ladies that have sewn before so they help out. I might be getting a sewing machine for my birthday from my parents so that should be really good. I hope to make some great stuff!
VISITOR- We had a visitor from the sea come stay with us. Ryans step brother Mat sailed into Darwin on Monday and we hung with him a couple of nights. The stories he had to tell. My god. He started off in Perth, sailed to Sydney for a couple of days, In those couple of days he flew to melbourne and came to our wedding. Then headed back to sydney, sailed to New zealand, then i think singapore and cambodia, than Darwin and now he is on his way back home. 4 months at sea. Crazy. He was saying that they have to salute the ship every time they get on and off the ship. They said they "throw it a goffer" haha how funny. I asked him the most obvious question anyone would be thinking. "Where does all your rubbish go?" The throw most of it over board! YOU GREENIES WOULD BE HORRIFIED I KNOW!!!!! Things like paper, cardboard and other stuff that eventually can break up gets toss over the side. They also throw cans.. That part i wasnt too impressed about. How can they throw cans.. they don't break up? Anyways, the other stuff is put in bags and taken off the ship once they dock. He was also saying that if their ship got hit by one torpedo it wouldnt sink their ship complete but it would break,hang on shadder your bones. The vibrations that would hit the ship would be massive. He did say that the ship can take up to 2 hauls full of water before they would be in serious trouble. How exciting.The thinks you learn. I do doubt you could spend 6 months on a leaky boat crowded house, cmon.
NEW FRIENDS- Well tonight I am going out with Ryans boss' wife Peta. Thats her name.. PETA awesome and some of her friends. Im pretty sure most of them are all mums but who cares. They seem to drink like they are teenagers so im up for it. Ill take what i can get and Peta is really nice so i dont mind. We are going to the Casino. I havent been in there but apparently it is really nice. There are some awesome bars and resturants so it should be real fun!
TWILIGHT- Reading the second book. Very interesting. After watching the first movie ages ago i keep using those actors faces in my head while im reading. I keep wondering who i would think they look like if i didnt have the movies to look at. Just a bit from half way. I keep saying to ryan that i wish we were vampires so we could live forever together. If i were a vampire i wouldnt hunt people but just say i was in bellas shoes and ryan was edward i would expect him to change me. I would hate him if he didnt. I would do it to him god dam it! What are the odds that she meets Edward who is cold as ice, a vampire and then knows Jacob who is as hot as fire, a werewolf . Only you Bella.
I think that is about it. Another big blog. Nothing else has been happening. I thought I would take a photo and let you see how i look after living here for just over 2 months.
I look the same ey. hahaha
Love you guysxx muah
Friday, May 14, 2010
This is Freddie.
He is our adopted child and not by choice. He is some kind of baby skink and he rules this house.

I think he is trying to communicate with us. He shows up in random places around the house. And some how defies gravity.

He has no boundaries and no sense of privacy. Scaring me as I was on the loo this morning! Oh Freddie!

Where will Freddie be next. Watch this skinky space..
He is our adopted child and not by choice. He is some kind of baby skink and he rules this house.
I think he is trying to communicate with us. He shows up in random places around the house. And some how defies gravity.
He has no boundaries and no sense of privacy. Scaring me as I was on the loo this morning! Oh Freddie!
Where will Freddie be next. Watch this skinky space..
I signed up to this course in aid to find some new friends, and maybe start my career as a fashion designer. Not a famous one. and maybe a designer of my style.. I would like to make funky things not just clothes but anything to do with a sewing machine. So the course started Monday just gone and it was really good. I enjoyed it. I didnt really speak to anyone and have a sneaking suspicion i probably wont - but all the same i was happy.
So the journey starts to a visit to spotlight. To get the essentials, basically what the course runners advised us to get.

If you cant tell, ive decided to make a skirt for work. Finding the pattern was easy as, but finding the other stuff. My god. I had to choose a material and it had a lot of suggestions on the back but I didnt know where to start.. so i just chose a nice silk fabric. Then I was in search of all the stuff the other stuff ineeded for the skirt. The zip. the loop and hook, scissors, a pick, some needles and some funny tape stuff. All this cost $62.00. I WAS SHOCKED. But atleast alot of the things were one off buys and i wont need to buy them for a while.

The skirt i am making is the red one im pointing too. Its a pretty straight forward pencil skirt. I had a look at the pattern and its only really in 4 parts so it would turn out alright.
When i got to the class the teacher "Lyn" told us a bit of her background and she has worked all over the world, dress making and stuff. She is probably in her early 50's and is so impressive I wanted to be her. After all the introductions, Lyn got us on a machine, teaching how to thread it. Jez it was weird. It had to go all these different ways and through here and there, but finally i got it. She got us to practise on some caleco. And these are the results~!

I did a heap more but they all look the same. some a bit shitter. So there you have it. its been fun. I have to cut out the pattern over the weekend so ill let you know how i go and post some pictures. Until then. Love you alwaysxx
I signed up to this course in aid to find some new friends, and maybe start my career as a fashion designer. Not a famous one. and maybe a designer of my style.. I would like to make funky things not just clothes but anything to do with a sewing machine. So the course started Monday just gone and it was really good. I enjoyed it. I didnt really speak to anyone and have a sneaking suspicion i probably wont - but all the same i was happy.
So the journey starts to a visit to spotlight. To get the essentials, basically what the course runners advised us to get.
If you cant tell, ive decided to make a skirt for work. Finding the pattern was easy as, but finding the other stuff. My god. I had to choose a material and it had a lot of suggestions on the back but I didnt know where to start.. so i just chose a nice silk fabric. Then I was in search of all the stuff the other stuff ineeded for the skirt. The zip. the loop and hook, scissors, a pick, some needles and some funny tape stuff. All this cost $62.00. I WAS SHOCKED. But atleast alot of the things were one off buys and i wont need to buy them for a while.
The skirt i am making is the red one im pointing too. Its a pretty straight forward pencil skirt. I had a look at the pattern and its only really in 4 parts so it would turn out alright.
When i got to the class the teacher "Lyn" told us a bit of her background and she has worked all over the world, dress making and stuff. She is probably in her early 50's and is so impressive I wanted to be her. After all the introductions, Lyn got us on a machine, teaching how to thread it. Jez it was weird. It had to go all these different ways and through here and there, but finally i got it. She got us to practise on some caleco. And these are the results~!
I did a heap more but they all look the same. some a bit shitter. So there you have it. its been fun. I have to cut out the pattern over the weekend so ill let you know how i go and post some pictures. Until then. Love you alwaysxx
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Massive update
Hey Guys,
I havens blogged for a week almost and so much has happened.. More so in the last 2 days.
So my week has been filled with full time work. This new routine is killing me. After 2 almost 3 months off work its hard to get back into.. Work has been super busy and finally the guy that i was hired to replace, finished yesterday. THANK GOD. This guy was really nice but totally creepy. Like someone you see in a movie, when they say something and slowly turn to you and laugh the creepiest fucking laugh you've ever heard. Well this guy, did that a few times to me.. But on a awful and mean note, i really think he has a learning difficulty or even dyslexia and the people in my office were so awful to him its ridiculous. Anyway.. he is gone. So this whole week I have been trying to catch up all the shit he was behind in and also learn everything. There is a lot of stuff to do and know. I have to run reports of all our suppliers for the Darwin warehouse and the Alice springs warehouse and send them to the relevant people.. there is just heaps i cant be even explain it.. Its exciting though.. the last 2 days i have finally felt good about the job.
Yesterday Ry called me about 3pm and told me we were going out for tea to his bosses house with a few of the other boys. Immediately i went into meltdown "WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR" , "MY HAIR ISN'T STRAIGHT!" Once i got home i got ready and just wore my jeans and a white top. My hair- well it wasn't straight but was neatly in a pony tall so i didn't mind so much.. To be honest i was just so excited about talking to some people and his boss has a wife... so talking to another female out of work! The night was awesome. There were to women there and they were really nice. The bosses wife stays home with their youngest and was spewing that Ryan didn't say anything to her husband about me being at home while i didn't have a job. We could have hung out. But i gave her my number and hopefully she calls.. I didn't get hers.. weird ey. I didn't think of that until after I left. But we did have a great night!!
On to other news.. Furniture..When we moved up here we only had a bed, side tables and a few other things... We needed couches, dining table entertainment unit and 1 maybe 2 more beds.. Slowly this list is narrowing down. We got the couches! we got the entertainment unit! and today we got the DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS!!!! I'm so excited finally we can bloody sit at the table and eat instead of on the couch.. Its a beautiful 9 piece solid timer set. Its just fantastic and is everything i ever wanted! It took 4 weeks to get here and came from Adelaide. Can you believe in this day and age things take so long.. Crazy.... All the stuff we bought is really nice and matching well.. Now all i need is the beds and decorating stuff.. Any suggestions.. I want to get some indoor plants and some cool painting..
This week we have another long weekend.. Its called MAY DAY and its for those who fought for the 8 hour day. They could have fought for 6 hours and a 4 day week.. but thats just me.. ill take the day off all the same. So tomorrow we are heading to the Mindal Markets.. hopefully i can find some awesome stuff for the house there! and Monday i don't know what we are going to do! Maybe go to the wave pool. mee dont know! 2 long weekends in a row.. this could be the making of a new habit!!
I also have started reading twilight.. the first book. I saw the movie ages ago so its weird knowing whats coming in the book but i haven't seen the 2nd one soo it will be good to read! In the past I haven't been a reader at all. It took me maybe a whole year to finish one book and that was because i kept forgetting about it. I remembered it all tho. I finally finished it and that same day went to the library and got twilight. Im not going to buy books just incase i don't like them and my old habit of not reading kicks in. I'm half way through it and is around the part where Edward saves Bella from those guys and she is asking all the questions about Jacob Black and stuff. Its cool!
I think that's about it.. Sorry to ramble on and keep you. Hope your all well and have a great weekend!!!..Speak soon .....s2
I havens blogged for a week almost and so much has happened.. More so in the last 2 days.
So my week has been filled with full time work. This new routine is killing me. After 2 almost 3 months off work its hard to get back into.. Work has been super busy and finally the guy that i was hired to replace, finished yesterday. THANK GOD. This guy was really nice but totally creepy. Like someone you see in a movie, when they say something and slowly turn to you and laugh the creepiest fucking laugh you've ever heard. Well this guy, did that a few times to me.. But on a awful and mean note, i really think he has a learning difficulty or even dyslexia and the people in my office were so awful to him its ridiculous. Anyway.. he is gone. So this whole week I have been trying to catch up all the shit he was behind in and also learn everything. There is a lot of stuff to do and know. I have to run reports of all our suppliers for the Darwin warehouse and the Alice springs warehouse and send them to the relevant people.. there is just heaps i cant be even explain it.. Its exciting though.. the last 2 days i have finally felt good about the job.
Yesterday Ry called me about 3pm and told me we were going out for tea to his bosses house with a few of the other boys. Immediately i went into meltdown "WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR" , "MY HAIR ISN'T STRAIGHT!" Once i got home i got ready and just wore my jeans and a white top. My hair- well it wasn't straight but was neatly in a pony tall so i didn't mind so much.. To be honest i was just so excited about talking to some people and his boss has a wife... so talking to another female out of work! The night was awesome. There were to women there and they were really nice. The bosses wife stays home with their youngest and was spewing that Ryan didn't say anything to her husband about me being at home while i didn't have a job. We could have hung out. But i gave her my number and hopefully she calls.. I didn't get hers.. weird ey. I didn't think of that until after I left. But we did have a great night!!
On to other news.. Furniture..When we moved up here we only had a bed, side tables and a few other things... We needed couches, dining table entertainment unit and 1 maybe 2 more beds.. Slowly this list is narrowing down. We got the couches! we got the entertainment unit! and today we got the DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS!!!! I'm so excited finally we can bloody sit at the table and eat instead of on the couch.. Its a beautiful 9 piece solid timer set. Its just fantastic and is everything i ever wanted! It took 4 weeks to get here and came from Adelaide. Can you believe in this day and age things take so long.. Crazy.... All the stuff we bought is really nice and matching well.. Now all i need is the beds and decorating stuff.. Any suggestions.. I want to get some indoor plants and some cool painting..
This week we have another long weekend.. Its called MAY DAY and its for those who fought for the 8 hour day. They could have fought for 6 hours and a 4 day week.. but thats just me.. ill take the day off all the same. So tomorrow we are heading to the Mindal Markets.. hopefully i can find some awesome stuff for the house there! and Monday i don't know what we are going to do! Maybe go to the wave pool. mee dont know! 2 long weekends in a row.. this could be the making of a new habit!!
I also have started reading twilight.. the first book. I saw the movie ages ago so its weird knowing whats coming in the book but i haven't seen the 2nd one soo it will be good to read! In the past I haven't been a reader at all. It took me maybe a whole year to finish one book and that was because i kept forgetting about it. I remembered it all tho. I finally finished it and that same day went to the library and got twilight. Im not going to buy books just incase i don't like them and my old habit of not reading kicks in. I'm half way through it and is around the part where Edward saves Bella from those guys and she is asking all the questions about Jacob Black and stuff. Its cool!
I think that's about it.. Sorry to ramble on and keep you. Hope your all well and have a great weekend!!!..Speak soon .....s2
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