I signed up to this course in aid to find some new friends, and maybe start my career as a fashion designer. Not a famous one. and maybe a designer of my style.. I would like to make funky things not just clothes but anything to do with a sewing machine. So the course started Monday just gone and it was really good. I enjoyed it. I didnt really speak to anyone and have a sneaking suspicion i probably wont - but all the same i was happy.
So the journey starts to a visit to spotlight. To get the essentials, basically what the course runners advised us to get.
If you cant tell, ive decided to make a skirt for work. Finding the pattern was easy as, but finding the other stuff. My god. I had to choose a material and it had a lot of suggestions on the back but I didnt know where to start.. so i just chose a nice silk fabric. Then I was in search of all the stuff the other stuff ineeded for the skirt. The zip. the loop and hook, scissors, a pick, some needles and some funny tape stuff. All this cost $62.00. I WAS SHOCKED. But atleast alot of the things were one off buys and i wont need to buy them for a while.
The skirt i am making is the red one im pointing too. Its a pretty straight forward pencil skirt. I had a look at the pattern and its only really in 4 parts so it would turn out alright.
When i got to the class the teacher "Lyn" told us a bit of her background and she has worked all over the world, dress making and stuff. She is probably in her early 50's and is so impressive I wanted to be her. After all the introductions, Lyn got us on a machine, teaching how to thread it. Jez it was weird. It had to go all these different ways and through here and there, but finally i got it. She got us to practise on some caleco. And these are the results~!
I did a heap more but they all look the same. some a bit shitter. So there you have it. its been fun. I have to cut out the pattern over the weekend so ill let you know how i go and post some pictures. Until then. Love you alwaysxx
AWESOME!!! Can't wait to see the finished product! Glad you've got a cool new hobby xxx