The last couple of weeks we have had Ryans parents up. Rod and Lyne have been travelling in their caravan starting from Altona Meadows and have reached Darwin. They are planning to stay up here for atleast another few weeks and then head back home. There is so much to do, im sure they wont get bored.. Ive shown a few different people around and i keep finding new things every time- lots of attractions
We took them to the museum, here are some photos.

This beasts name is Sweetheart. It was huge. When Sweetheart was caught she was shot with a tranquiliser and it worked. But while they were trying to figure out how to get her into the boat and on land she was kept in the water. Crocodiles can stay until water for months without moving so they didnt see this as a problem. Except the tranquiliser stopped something in her body which allows her not to drown. And she drowned =-( Now she is on display at the muesum and she is massive.. A few weeks ago a croc maybe a tiny be smaller was seen on a crocodile jumping cruise. When you are here you will have to go on one.
This is the photo of Brutus. His huge.. but when looking for this picture there was a real and fake version. this is the fake version. the real version isnt that much smaller.. Cruisers are held daily to see jumping crocs. Crocs a big up here.

This portriat is called "Power Couple". I like their pants and the colours. Pretty cool

This piece is called "Dont judge a book by its cover" Its completely made out of book pages. It was soo pretty. I wasnt supposed to be taking photos but it was just so awesome.
The museum also has a Cyclone Tracy exibition. It has heaps of photos of before and after the cyclone hit and it also has a black dark room, where you stand and listen to a real recording of a christmas eve mass. You can hear just how loud the cyclone was, it was freaky as.. Another great attraction.
Then we went to the ski club and had some beers, headed to the mindal markets and caught the sunset. Magical

Love it.
Speak soon xx
Such awesome Pics, can't wait til Cyclone Jade and cyclone Josh hit Darwin :D