Ohla everyone. Long time no speak AGAIN!
Sorry for being slack and not posting..
Ive had the busiest couple of weeks and just havent had a minute to myself.
On the 13th of June a few things happened.. I turned 24, my awesome husband gave me some red raybans as a gift, my parents were flying in to visit and we picked up the new addition to our family.. Lil Jackson..A beautiful 9 week old lab x golden retriever. So cute!
Anyways, so this day was hectic.. Not only did we have to pick up Jackson before 3pm but my parents were flying in at 2!
We went to get our child first. Whilst there, I got a comb, some chewing stuff for him, a couple of toys and had to fill out all the paperwork. The girl went to get me a comb and then asked me to go see which one and guess what happened! The most embarrassing thing that could happen to one self. I sorta rushed off, not seeing that beside me was one of those floor weights that animals go one. My big toe slammed into it and i went fucking head over heels and landed basically on my fache'. ( For those that dont speak fluent spanish, fache' means face) So i landed on my fache', raybans went flying... to my HORROR! Ryan thought i was dead coz apparently i lied there without moving for a couple of seconds.. i could have melted into the ground at that second... So i got up, and then made every effort possible to get out of there! But that was a challenge as my husband could barely catch a breath from laughing so hard. Anways we got the dog and the brush and everything else and left. Once in the car, Ryan turned to me and explained step by step what i looked like from behind falling..
Here are some photos of him..

He has his puppy moments.. Biting is one of them.. He has crazy sharp teeth, that hurt!!!! So far he knows how to sit, lay down, roll over, shake hands and high five. Pretty cool when he does them all in a row.. Its crazy how fasts he learns. He knows his name and is a pretty laid back kind of dog. We had fireworks night last week and for the 2 weeks before they were saying on the radio to leave our dogs in the laundry because they will be scared and could ran away.. But not Jackson, he wasnt even fussed.. and actually slept outside. So proud of him ahha..
Since we got him, he has also grown heaps.. bit scarry. He will probably get as big as my friend Bouchers dog, Charlie.
Enough about the new love of my life.
My parents can up to the top end on my birthday, and what a treat it was having them here. Not only did they do the odd jobs that we didnt get around to doing but mum cooked.. and i miss her cooking. They only stayed a week and my heart broke all over again when they left. So shit saying good bye. But the house wasnt completely empty when they left. My brother Stephen and 3 of his mates were also up. They stayed for like 10 days and that was great too.. Loved having people at our house. Its been just Ry and me for 4 months now and i loved showing them around Darwin.
What else has been happening.
Work has been pretty busy. Its fun though. Leanne the girl i work with has started doing office pranks on me. Like sticky taping the hang up button on the phone, so when i answer it, it keeps ringing. Also she said someone had called when i was out and i called them back and it was the fucking sexyland up here. I got her back with the same shit and made her call the place where that dickhead manager that used to work with us, works now. I laughed soo hard. I have to come up with more. Tomorrow im going to swap all the tops of her stamps around so she stamps the wrong thing. Lame I know, but i must get her back. She is really awesome. She actually has a pet pig named Willimina. My boss keeps saying he is going to eat here.. Awful person.
Ryan is doing super good. Working so much lately. They have him doing this course. I cant really explain what its for, but basically he will be able to teach people on weapons, pt and other stuff. Poor thing has been working weekends. Love him to the moon and back.
Speaking of Moon, im still reading twilight, new moon. Im almost done, its taken me ages. Again i wish i was a vampire.. but that will never happen.
Unfortunaltely i have missed out on some of my friends birthdays..
Happy birthday Guys.. I hope i havent missed anyone.
Better be off.. Love you all lots and lots
Peace xxx